Tag: Term4

Extension creation project !

This is my extension project for the last term of extension. This term, we had to brainstorm some projects that have not yet been created , also that help solve problems for humans all over the world! For my very genius idea, I decided to do a “teleportation device.” A teleportation device would help us a lot during life , we could go see our family overseas, and it could help us save a lot of money on gas etc. If we look inside, I had to explain the positive and negative outcomes about my teleportation device, there was a LOT of positive outcomes though! We got into groups of 4 and started planning out some futuristic devices and inventions that have already been created , in my group was me , Eleni , Lynette and Legacy! I made a model on tinkercad showing what my teleportation would’ve looked like if it actually existed, I think I did a really good job on this!

Please leave a positive comment on my blog 🙂 !

Term 4 Inquiry Project – Cardboard Shelf !

This term for inquiry/DLO , we have been working on a new project which is a cardboard shelf ! Our group AMALT , which includes me , Legacy , Tita , Alivia and Meliame! Well , we firstly opened our workbook and planned everything out that we needed to use and do for the shelf. During week 2 – 3 , we were struggling because our original idea was a mini student kitchen but it was a bit difficult to put together. So , we changed up our whole idea and made a shelf that could actually be useful for our class to put stuff on. Secondly , we hot glued all the parts/cardboard together and in the end .. it stood together !!! The last part we finally did was to paint it , which was colorfull , blue , red and pink ! I loved the finished project and would definitely partner with my group again, they were all so helpful. Well , please leave a positive comment on my blog and I hope you enjoyed our project 🙂 !

Extension – Creating Project!

Task Description:

Today for Extension class , we have been focusing on a new project. We had to come up with a bunch of ideas for inventions that have been created by humans that have changed society , and ideas for futuristic inventions that we think is good for the human race/society. My group with Eleni, Lynette and Legacy, came up with bright ideas and have all chosen individual projects, as you see I have chosen the Teleportation Device. I chose this because it could really help people around the world visiting their families if they can’t afford a ferry or a plane flight. Anyways , please leave a positive comment on my blog please!


My Inspiration.

My sister


Who are they?

This person that inspires me is my sister who lives in Australia. She was born in 2005, if you didn’t know. She has been there for me all my life, just not in real life, online. My sister is currently in college and is in Year 12, she is 17. She is also that kind of person that likes art and likes to play instruments like, guitar,piano and the flute. She is kind of amazing in my opinion.


Write about their life.

She was born in New Zealand but moved to Australia in 2015. She currently lives in Sydney still, but it’s okay because she visits every christmas, and sometimes when it’s her birthday. She works at a Starbucks near her house, which is amazing! She is always talking about how awesome her job is and how she is never going to quit! Another thing she does when she is at college is apply for art competitions. She came 1st in 4 competitions which is amazing. When she has nothing to do, she always calls me to see if I want to play games with her, obviously I say yes! Anyways, this is the person I look up to.

How do they inspire you?

She inspires me in many ways, sometimes I try to impersonate her for fun! She is so good at playing instruments, sometimes, I want to be as good as her to make her proud of me! Another thing she is really good at that inspires me is maths, everytime I throw a question to her, she always answers straight away like Albert Einstein. I’m so inspired by my sister that I want to be exactly like her, same clothes, same instruments, same art, same..everything! Anyways, the main reason why she is my inspiration is because she is so good at everything that I envy! Sometimes, I remind myself that she loves me and she is proud of me.