Category: Hanga | Create

Extension creation project !

This is my extension project for the last term of extension. This term, we had to brainstorm some projects that have not yet been created , also that help solve problems for humans all over the world! For my very genius idea, I decided to do a “teleportation device.” A teleportation device would help us a lot during life , we could go see our family overseas, and it could help us save a lot of money on gas etc. If we look inside, I had to explain the positive and negative outcomes about my teleportation device, there was a LOT of positive outcomes though! We got into groups of 4 and started planning out some futuristic devices and inventions that have already been created , in my group was me , Eleni , Lynette and Legacy! I made a model on tinkercad showing what my teleportation would’ve looked like if it actually existed, I think I did a really good job on this!

Please leave a positive comment on my blog 🙂 !

Term 4 Inquiry Project – Cardboard Shelf !

This term for inquiry/DLO , we have been working on a new project which is a cardboard shelf ! Our group AMALT , which includes me , Legacy , Tita , Alivia and Meliame! Well , we firstly opened our workbook and planned everything out that we needed to use and do for the shelf. During week 2 – 3 , we were struggling because our original idea was a mini student kitchen but it was a bit difficult to put together. So , we changed up our whole idea and made a shelf that could actually be useful for our class to put stuff on. Secondly , we hot glued all the parts/cardboard together and in the end .. it stood together !!! The last part we finally did was to paint it , which was colorfull , blue , red and pink ! I loved the finished project and would definitely partner with my group again, they were all so helpful. Well , please leave a positive comment on my blog and I hope you enjoyed our project 🙂 !

Pangarau tm1-wk5

This week for maths in room 5 , we have been learning tricks to figure out timetable equations. We used the line method which I found really difficult to do!  Overall , I really liked doing this task , it was quick and easy to do forsuree. Please leave a positive comment on my blog !

Thank you KPMG

Dear KPMG,

Thank you for taking time out of your day to help us create these cool projects that we now cherish! We had so much fun creating new artwork so we can code it! Thank you Justine and the other KPMG staff for making this happen for us, we really enjoyed it a lot. Overall , my highlight of the day was definitely the food, it tasted so amazing and I really have to thank the chefs as well. I hope everybody at KPMG enjoyed the Pt England extension class being there, because we definitely enjoyed it! Also, we thank everybody for taking around on a office tour, I now see how busy everybody has to work in the KPMG building. This was my last trip to KPMG and I loved it so much, thank you for making this last trip memorable! 

Here is some highlights from the day we went down to KPMG!


Extension – Creating Project!

Task Description:

Today for Extension class , we have been focusing on a new project. We had to come up with a bunch of ideas for inventions that have been created by humans that have changed society , and ideas for futuristic inventions that we think is good for the human race/society. My group with Eleni, Lynette and Legacy, came up with bright ideas and have all chosen individual projects, as you see I have chosen the Teleportation Device. I chose this because it could really help people around the world visiting their families if they can’t afford a ferry or a plane flight. Anyways , please leave a positive comment on my blog please!


4 Dawn Raid – 22 Aug – 13 Oct

This term, we have been reading a book named Dawn Raid that is based on real life. I really enjoyed reading this book and hope to read more. Anyways, this task was based on 22nd of August to the 13th of October. Charlotte and Sofia were once enemies but now have became friends because they have so many things that are relatable. Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

Four of a kind – respond to text

This term for literacy , we were reading a book called four of a kind. This book is about boys playing netball for the first time since there was no rugby coach for the year. Girls didn’t like them playing and they all thought they were better than the boys. Anyways in the end, the boys and girls dealt with eachother! Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

3 Dawn Raid – 20th June – 3rd July

This term for literacy, we have been reading a book called Dawn raid by “Pauline Vaeluaga Smith.” I really enjoyed reading this story because it is based on true stories that happened back in the early 1950s. When the dawn raid happened, the polynesian people made a group called the Polynesian Panthers. Anyways, it was really sad knowing that police did this to overstayers.