Tag: Team 5 2022

Team 2 Immersion Assembly / We know the way.

Today was the first day of term 2 for Pt England School, this term’s korero is “We know the way.” The first thing that happened was Mrs Nua was calling teachers to tell them they were late to the first Term 2 assembly, they all said they were lost so Mrs Nua told them the directions back to Te Kapua. They all found their way back and it was good.

The next thing that happened was that Team 1, they did a whole act about bees, 2 teachers were acting as beekeepers and another teacher was acting as a giant bee. Mrs Hockly was the narrator of the story. 

Team 2 was next and they were acting as pirates trying to find their way to the captain’s jacket,boots and hat. They were using their excellent navigational skills to find everything!

Team 3 was next and they were doing a questionnaire to figure out if 3 students were smarter than the Team 3 teachers. All of the questions were about the online programming site called Scratch, Scratch is for kids to code and make games about coding as well. The students won the questionnaire because they are smart. One question was “what is scratch?” I would’ve answered with “ It is an online programming site where students can create their own games and share it with everyone on there.” It is really cool.

The next Team that went was team 4. Team 4 did a movie during the holidays and it was about a new girl coming to Pt England and using an ipad as a compass. She had to scan QR codes which will tell her what that place is called and where to go next to scan the next QR code. Then she finally made it to the team 4 block.

The very last one was Team 5’s act, where Miss Setefano and Miss Tipene were pretending to be robots that Miss IIlaoa and Miss Hall were controlling. The funny part was where Miss Ilaoa and Miss Hall poured water on top of both of there “robots” heads. That was everything that happened at assembly today.

Arcrostic Poem – Responsibility

R -espectful

E – ager

S – afety

P – articipation 

O – rganastion 

N – ormal

S – ensible Everyday

 I  – ndependent 

B – eing nice and kind

I  – nspired/inspiring

L – oyal

I  – mprovement

T – rustable 

Y – outh & young


Task description : Today I have done my acrostic poem. The word that was chosen to do the poem was Responsibility, since how this term’s focus is on being responsible to one another. These are some words that could mean how to be responsible.