Category: Hanga | Create

Graphy Graphs

Today in maths, we were learning about the different kind of graphs there are. We also did some statements to prove that these are right. My favourite thing to do in this was to find out what the issues in the graph was. Overall, this was a fun task to do.


My Inspiration.

My sister


Who are they?

This person that inspires me is my sister who lives in Australia. She was born in 2005, if you didn’t know. She has been there for me all my life, just not in real life, online. My sister is currently in college and is in Year 12, she is 17. She is also that kind of person that likes art and likes to play instruments like, guitar,piano and the flute. She is kind of amazing in my opinion.


Write about their life.

She was born in New Zealand but moved to Australia in 2015. She currently lives in Sydney still, but it’s okay because she visits every christmas, and sometimes when it’s her birthday. She works at a Starbucks near her house, which is amazing! She is always talking about how awesome her job is and how she is never going to quit! Another thing she does when she is at college is apply for art competitions. She came 1st in 4 competitions which is amazing. When she has nothing to do, she always calls me to see if I want to play games with her, obviously I say yes! Anyways, this is the person I look up to.

How do they inspire you?

She inspires me in many ways, sometimes I try to impersonate her for fun! She is so good at playing instruments, sometimes, I want to be as good as her to make her proud of me! Another thing she is really good at that inspires me is maths, everytime I throw a question to her, she always answers straight away like Albert Einstein. I’m so inspired by my sister that I want to be exactly like her, same clothes, same instruments, same art, same..everything! Anyways, the main reason why she is my inspiration is because she is so good at everything that I envy! Sometimes, I remind myself that she loves me and she is proud of me.

Sleeping Lions – Statistical Inquiry

Today in Maths, we did a task where we had to compare 1 variable to how much hours of sleep we get. You could choose out of these variables, gender,age,height and well-being. My group chose gender because we thought it was the easiest to do. These were our questions that we had to answer, look below to see all of our answers. You actually might be interested.

Thank you for your time!

Equivalent Ratios

Today we learnt about equivalent ratios and how to solve them. We worked with Miss Stone to figure out all the equations on our maths sheet. We also used smarties to figure some ratio related questions. I didn’t get what ratios were at first but then I started getting the hang of how to do it. We first chose 2 coloured smarties, my ones were purple and pink. The ratio for this was 5:3, I was really confused by what this mean’t but after doing 10 questions it was really easy. Afterwards we ate the smarties and learnt something at the end of the day.

Here is a photo of what one of my ratios was, 1:1:3.

Speech About Pollution

Why we should help stop Pollution:

Hello everyone, today I have made a speech about pollution and why we should stop it. 

There are 3 types of pollution that are happening in the world, such as, air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. 


Air pollution is caused by several things: burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gasoline. Your own vehicle can cause air pollution. Wildfires and burning of garbage waste can also cause air pollution. Driving your car less or turning off the engine can help minimise air pollution. Not burning your garbage waste and not having campfires in the city can also help minimise air pollution.


Air pollution is everywhere. Indoors, outdoors, in the countryside & in the city. It is all around us. It affects everyone. Without air there can be no life but breathing polluted air opens us to a life of diseases and early death. Polluted air is a global health emergency, can cause us to get sick etc.

Air pollution in the United Kingdom can cause up to 36,000 deaths a year since the air is filled with a lot of chemicals. 


A lot of water pollution comes from human activity. Some human causes and fertilisers from farms, waste water and chemicals from factories and trash from people littering. Oil spills have been a major famous problem for water pollution.

Ways to help prevent water pollution is doing a beach clean up, removing plastics from rivers near you, getting rid of toxic chemicals the proper way, not pouring fat and grease down the drain etc

Reason why it is good to prevent water pollution, as it can make people sick especially young children. Some of the bacteria in the water can make people sick, and go hospital and in worst cases, die. It is important to prevent water pollution and assure water is safe for ourselves and the future generation. It can also be harmful to the sea animals and sea creatures

These are all caused by people dumping their rubbish in the ocean or leaving their rubbish on the ground instead of the bin. Sea animals are slowly dying in the ocean because sometimes animals think rubbish is food so they slowly devour it and they choke. 

Land pollution is things such as illegal dumping and littering, overcrowded landfills, nuclear wastes and so on.

Ways to help prevent land pollution are reducing the amount of waste. Recycle and reusing resources whenever possible to reduce waste and can also help you save money.

It is important to prevent land pollution as Harmful chemicals that can get into the soil can be very dangerous for animals and humans.

So, this is why I think people should stop polluting.


Hello there! Today I have posted my speech about pollution and how there are different types. These 3 main types are water pollution,air pollution and land pollution. It is really devastating how people don’t care about all the rubbish and the gas that comes out of factories. I really think people should change in society because this is just wrong.

But, we thank all the people that are really making a difference in our community by picking up all the rubbish. You could also make a difference if you pick up rubbish and throw it in the nearest bin! 🙂