This is my extension project for the last term of extension. This term, we had to brainstorm some projects that have not yet been created , also that help solve problems for humans all over the world! For my very genius idea, I decided to do a “teleportation device.” A teleportation device would help us a lot during life , we could go see our family overseas, and it could help us save a lot of money on gas etc. If we look inside, I had to explain the positive and negative outcomes about my teleportation device, there was a LOT of positive outcomes though! We got into groups of 4 and started planning out some futuristic devices and inventions that have already been created , in my group was me , Eleni , Lynette and Legacy! I made a model on tinkercad showing what my teleportation would’ve looked like if it actually existed, I think I did a really good job on this!
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