Letter to my dearest friend.

Dear Anastasia,


I just arrived in Bath 30 minutes ago. Someone recommended Bell and Dragon as a place to stay but honestly, it was way over my budget. Walking in the cold frosty wind, a normal looking house caught my eye because there was a notice on the window that was so mesmerising, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I nervously walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. An old woman answered the door straight away, she was awfully nice to me which was concerning. I entered the door and she said everything was already done for me, it’s like she’s been waiting for someone to enter the door. Anyways, we were walking upstairs until she suddenly stopped and said “You have the whole second floor to yourself.” She had a knife behind her back but she said “Oh dear, I’m using this knife to chop up the vegetables!” Very strange to carry a knife with you.


 We made it to the second floor and I was unpacking my stuff, she came from behind me and said “come down to the ground floor when you’re finished so you can sign the guest book.” I signed it but I recognised two of the names in the book, I was curious but I just left it.

 She came downstairs and suddenly asked me if I wanted tea. To be honest I really didn’t like tea but I didn’t want to be rude. I had one sip of the tea and to be honest, it kind of tasted like drugs, the ones that I took at the hospital. She kept offering me tea continuously which was getting me frustrated. I changed the subject but I could tell she was getting mad, what did she want from me? Anyways, I saw her parrot and dog by the fireplace but I felt a bit hazy and I couldn’t tell if they were moving or not. I asked the old woman “are your animals okay?” She said to me “Deary, they’re okay but the animals..the animals are dead! I stuffed them myself!” I was shocked and scared at the same time, I reached down to touch them but the animals felt stone cold. 


All of a sudden, I dropped to the floor and was unconscious for about an hour. I woke up in this strange room, 2 other people in here with me..they weren’t moving, at all. I hid in the corner but the old woman entered the room with the same exact knife behind her back, I was terrified! She ran up to me and stabbed me in the chest but miraculously, I survived. I pushed her aside and she told me “you will never escape me, i’ll stuff you like how I stuffed the others!” I tripped down the stairs and started barking at her, she was angry so I stopped. I got up as quickly as I could and ran out the door and never looked back. 


From your dearest friend, Billy.




This week, we have been learning about foreshadowing and how to give hints without spoiling the surprise at the end! This is my note to my dearest friend Anastasia from Billy’s perspective. I hope you enjoy my letter!