Month: October 2023

Thank you KPMG

Dear KPMG,

Thank you for taking time out of your day to help us create these cool projects that we now cherish! We had so much fun creating new artwork so we can code it! Thank you Justine and the other KPMG staff for making this happen for us, we really enjoyed it a lot. Overall , my highlight of the day was definitely the food, it tasted so amazing and I really have to thank the chefs as well. I hope everybody at KPMG enjoyed the Pt England extension class being there, because we definitely enjoyed it! Also, we thank everybody for taking around on a office tour, I now see how busy everybody has to work in the KPMG building. This was my last trip to KPMG and I loved it so much, thank you for making this last trip memorable! 

Here is some highlights from the day we went down to KPMG!


Extension – Creating Project!

Task Description:

Today for Extension class , we have been focusing on a new project. We had to come up with a bunch of ideas for inventions that have been created by humans that have changed society , and ideas for futuristic inventions that we think is good for the human race/society. My group with Eleni, Lynette and Legacy, came up with bright ideas and have all chosen individual projects, as you see I have chosen the Teleportation Device. I chose this because it could really help people around the world visiting their families if they can’t afford a ferry or a plane flight. Anyways , please leave a positive comment on my blog please!