Month: September 2023

4 Dawn Raid – 22 Aug – 13 Oct

This term, we have been reading a book named Dawn Raid that is based on real life. I really enjoyed reading this book and hope to read more. Anyways, this task was based on 22nd of August to the 13th of October. Charlotte and Sofia were once enemies but now have became friends because they have so many things that are relatable. Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

Four of a kind – respond to text

This term for literacy , we were reading a book called four of a kind. This book is about boys playing netball for the first time since there was no rugby coach for the year. Girls didn’t like them playing and they all thought they were better than the boys. Anyways in the end, the boys and girls dealt with eachother! Please leave a positive comment on my blog!

3 Dawn Raid – 20th June – 3rd July

This term for literacy, we have been reading a book called Dawn raid by “Pauline Vaeluaga Smith.” I really enjoyed reading this story because it is based on true stories that happened back in the early 1950s. When the dawn raid happened, the polynesian people made a group called the Polynesian Panthers. Anyways, it was really sad knowing that police did this to overstayers.


Term 3 DLO Animation

This term, we have been focusing our DLO ( Digital learning online) around the korero, “Fit for Purpose.” We had to animate a childs life and also them having a balanced life style. I tried to make my character excersise, eat well and get a lot of sleep! I also tried adding as much detail as possible. Anyways, I hope you have enjoyed my Term 3 animation! Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Thank you Ma’am: Response to text

This week for literacy, we have been reading a book called “Thank you ma’am” written by Langston Hughes. This was made in the 90s and was really enjoyable to read. I loved reading this book and I learnt what conflicts are and what kind there are! Anyways, I found this task challenging but I still enjoyed doing it!


Today for maths, we were using BEDMAS to solve our maths problems. I found this really challenging and atleast I figured it out in the end. Please leave a positive comment on my blog !

Introduction to Algebra!

Last week for maths, we were learning about algebra and we also learnt how to solve the equations. The one thing that I found most difficult was using B.E.D.M.A.S for the first time. If you didn’t know, B stands for brackets, E stands for Exponents, D stands for division, M stands for multiplication, A stands for addition and S stands for subtractions. Anyways please leave a positive comment on my blog please!